Success Story

Shivani Shah

Shivani Shah’s journey is one of triumph and determination. With her stellar academic performance, scoring an impressive 92% in class 8th, Shivani has proven her dedication to excellence. Supported by the Titliyan NGO, she secured admission to Rajkiye school, overcoming obstacles with their invaluable assistance. Shivani’s talents extend beyond academics; her passion for dance and prowess in public speaking shone brightly during a remarkable performance in a nukkad natak at Prometheus school. As she sets her sights on becoming an engineer, Shivani’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of perseverance and support.

Rano Kashyap

Rano Kashyap, a dedicated student of Titliyan since nursery, sprinted her way to victory, clinching the gold medal in a prestigious race. Despite her academic commitments, where she consistently scored 80%+, Rano never hesitated to extend a helping hand, embodying kindness and generosity. With her heart of gold and determination, she proved that hard work and compassion pave the path to success.

Komal Pal

Komal Pal’s journey to success is a testament to her resilience and dedication. By cracking the entrance exam for Rajkiye Noida’s government schools and securing admission in the 9th class, Komal has achieved a significant milestone. Despite her accomplishments, she remains humble, always ready to assist her teachers and peers. During challenging times, when her family faced hardships due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Titliyan NGO provided vital support, reflecting their commitment to empowering students like Komal. With her determination and the support of her community, Komal is poised to excel and make a difference in her academic journey.

Khushi Mosem

Khushi Mosem’s journey from Titliyan NGO to the top spot in the Vista Vibes video vlogging competition is a testament to resilience and support. From securing admission to Nayi Disha School with Titliyan’s assistance to excelling at Nehru International with provided study materials, Khushi’s dedication shone bright. With Titliyan’s continued guidance, she soared to Manav Rachna University, her hostel fees sponsored by the NGO. Her mother’s commitment as a teacher at Titliyan in Sector 19 for 12 years further fueled the success of many others. Together, they’ve woven a success story of empowerment, education, and unwavering support.

Roshni Kuswaha

Meet Roshni Kuswaha, a model of perseverance, completed 12th grade in 2024 with Titliyan NGO’s support. Starting from nursery, her journey reflects resilience and ambition. Guided by mentors, she thrived academically, also working part-time at Doctor Alia’s Clinic to support her family. Her story showcases education’s transformative power, imparting not just knowledge but life skills. As she steps into the future, Titliyan NGO remains dedicated to empowering more children like her. Roshni’s tale is one of empowerment, resilience, and the belief in every child’s potential. Together, let’s shape a brighter tomorrow for all.


Meet Simpy, a beacon of resilience and compassion. Starting her educational journey at Titliyan NGO, Simpy consistently excelled, embodying kindness and academic prowess. As the challenges of COVID-19 unfolded, Titliyan stepped in, sponsoring her crucial accounting tuition in 11th and 12th grades, ensuring uninterrupted learning. Today, Simpy continues to inspire. Balancing her pursuit of graduation with a typing job, she epitomizes dedication and adaptability. Her journey reflects the transformative impact of education, particularly during trying times. Titliyan NGO takes pride in nurturing Simpy’s potential and remains steadfast in its mission to support students through adversity. Let’s applaud Simpy’s achievements and recognize the profound difference education and support can make, especially in the face of challenges. Together, we pave the way for brighter futures.


Titliyan is instilling courage and responsibility in its students, empowering them to create a positive impact. As they grow, they learn to carry these values forward, influencing society, friends, and family. Here’s what Shivam has to say about his/her success.
I am Shivam Gautam, a student at Titliyan. In 9th grade, I was a good student but lacked confidence to ask questions or answer in class. I gradually overcome this by engaging more in tuition classes, which boosted my confidence and made me a favorite among teachers. Then, I got a new, strict computer teacher, and my confidence turned into overconfidence. I stopped putting in effort. She scolded me harshly and banned me from her class. Feeling humiliated, I almost quit, but I decided to apologize and persist. Eventually, the other teachers convinced her to let me return. I worked hard, excelled in tests, and became one of her favorites too. This experience taught me the importance of balancing confidence and humility.


Titliyan is instilling courage and responsibility in its students, empowering them to create a positive impact. As they grow, they learn to carry these values forward, influencing society, friends, and family. Here’s what Jitesh has to say about his/her success.
I used to struggle academically, finding studying challenging and my grades not reflecting my efforts. My preboard exam results were discouraging, and hope seemed lost. My mother’s encouraging words sparked a decision to excel in my 10th board exams.
I sought guidance from teachers, studied diligently, and prepared tirelessly. On exam day, I tackled each paper with confidence. My hard work paid off, and I achieved 72 percent. This journey from struggle to success taught me the power of perseverance and dedication, proving that any obstacle can be overcome with determination and effort.


Titliyan is instilling courage and responsibility in its students, empowering them to create a positive impact. As they grow, they learn to carry these values forward, influencing society, friends, and family. Here’s what Sujain has to say about his/her success.
My success story is that when I was in first grade, I didn’t know how to paint, so I used to ask my friend to do it for me. My friend was really good at painting, and my dad would often tell me that I couldn’t do anything myself, which didn’t feel good. One day, I went to my friend’s house and asked her to paint something for me, but she refused, saying she couldn’t do it for me. Painting was important to me, but she didn’t make it for me. So, I decided to learn painting myself. Now, I can paint pretty well. I even decorate the classroom boards with my paintings, and all my teachers like them.


Titliyan is instilling courage and responsibility in its students, empowering them to create a positive impact. As they grow, they learn to carry these values forward, influencing society, friends, and family. Here’s what Saleha has to say about his/her success.
I was thrilled to have a friend, but it broke my heart when she failed her 9th-grade exams. Her family stopped talking to her and forbade her from continuing her studies. It was devastating to see her dreams shattered.
We decided to help her. We confronted her family, explaining the importance of education and how unfairly she was being treated. After some convincing, her family agreed to let her continue her studies.
Seeing her back in school, pursuing her dreams with a newfound determination, filled us all with immense happiness. Every time I see her smiling and thriving, it’s like a beacon of hope, reminding us that with a little support and determination, anything is possible.